Gerek kendi ülkemizde olsun gerek yurt dışında olsun, tüm çocukların en temel hakkının sıcak bir yuva olduğunu hepimiz biliyoruz. Biz de bu düşünceyle aile sıcaklığını hissedemeyen kardeşlerimize samimi bir yardım eli uzatmak istiyoruz çünkü biliyoruz ki; sevgiler paylaştıkça artar, hüzünler paylaştıkça azalır.
While some children feel the effection and love of their parents deeply, others try to compensate for this feeling by hugging their cold toys. They long for a warm family environment. The balmy laugh, touch, word hello… May be the only things that they expect are these.
Whether in our country or abroad, we all know that the basic right of children is to have nest. With this thought we want to extend a sincere helping hand to children who cannot feel the warmth of family because we know that; love ascends by sharing and sadness descends by sharing too.

Whether in our country or abroad, we all know that the basic right of children is to have nest. With this thought we want to extend a sincere helping hand to children who cannot feel the warmth of family because we know that; love ascends by sharing and sadness descends by sharing too.

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