Bizler de sevgi evlerindeki kardeşlerimiz ile vakit geçirmek istediğimiz için bu konuda proje yazmaya karar verdik. Ve çok da güzel oldu aslında. Amaçladığımız takibi sadece kendi ülkemizle sınırlı bir proje değil. İtalya, Bosna-Hersek, Yunanistan ve İspanya'dan gelecek ortaklarımızla birlikte yürüteceğiz projemizi. Çocuk her yerde çocuk çünkü!
çerçevesinde, tarafların kendi ülkelerindeki ve misafir oldukları ülkelerdeki
yetim çocukları daha iyi anlamalarını sağlayacağız. Projeyi hazırlayan ülke
olarak, ülkemizdeki yetimlere dünyalarının daha büyük olduğunu ve diğer
ülkelerdeki çocuklarla da rahatça etkileşim kurabileceklerinin farkına
varmalarını sağlayacağız. Buna ek olarak ortaklarımızla kültür alışverişi
sağlamak, yetimlerimizin dil öğretimine katkıda bulunmak ve daha sosyal bir
hayata kavuşmalarında yardım eli uzatmak en temel hedeflerimizdendir.
Bu süreç doğrultusunda yapacağımız
etkinlikler; uçurtma şenliği, sinema etkinliği, bez bebek yapımı, ağaç dikimi, piknik organizasyonu, sanatsal ve tiyatral atölye
çalışmaları içermektedir. Son olarak da ülkemize davet ettiğimiz proje
ortaklarımıza, ülkemizin tarihi, doğal ve kültürel mekanlarını tanıtmak
amacıyla geziler düzenlemeyi planlamaktayız.
Ve bir çok güzel sürprizlerle karşınızda olacağız :)
Today we want to talk about the content of our project to you first. We think that the world's most sincere smile is the smile of a child. And we are committed to doing everything to see the smile on their faces. First, we have to recognize them, especially we should try to understand the inner world of the orphans. We have to keep their hand, we ran through the countryside with them. We should leave all our wishes balloons into the sky. We could draw pictures with them. We need to expand their imagination. In short, we have to make them happy. We decided to write about this project, because we want to spend time with our brothers and sisters in orphanage. And the very fact that was nice. Our purpose is not only limited follow-up project in our own country. Italy, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece and Spain are partners we will conduct this project with. Because kids are kids everywhere!
Today we want to talk about the content of our project to you first. We think that the world's most sincere smile is the smile of a child. And we are committed to doing everything to see the smile on their faces. First, we have to recognize them, especially we should try to understand the inner world of the orphans. We have to keep their hand, we ran through the countryside with them. We should leave all our wishes balloons into the sky. We could draw pictures with them. We need to expand their imagination. In short, we have to make them happy. We decided to write about this project, because we want to spend time with our brothers and sisters in orphanage. And the very fact that was nice. Our purpose is not only limited follow-up project in our own country. Italy, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece and Spain are partners we will conduct this project with. Because kids are kids everywhere!
In the framework of our
project, we will provide a better
understanding of their country of orphans in their country and their guests. As
countries prepare projects in our country is larger than the world's orphans
and children in other countries will also helps them to easily interact they
might realize. In addition, our another aims are cultural exchanges with our
partners, contributing to orphans language teaching and more social life
assistance in restoring to extend a
helping hand.
This process will make
activities in accordance with; kite festival, cinema activity, rag doll making,
tree planting, picnic organization, artistic and theatrical workshops include.
Finally, we invite our joint projects in our country, the history of our
country, we plan to arrange trips in order to promote the natural and cultural
And we'll be in your face with a very nice surprise :)
And we'll be in your face with a very nice surprise :)
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